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Friday, September 28, 2018


Headlines for Sept. 28, 2018

Click here to listen to this week's segment on Loud & Clear Radio.
Headlines with an * are the ones we managed to fit in in our allotted 11 minutes.
Worst, Most Misleading & Funniest Headlines (WMMFH) -- Sept. 28, 2018

*Trump at the U.N.: Undiplomatic? This Time, Aides Fear the Opposite
Not as much a disgusting headline as a description of a disgusting reality.
“For Mr. Trump’s advisers, the biggest risk at the United Nations General Assembly this year is the reverse of what it was last year: not that he will be dangerously undiplomatic, but that he will be overly enthusiastic about engagement with wily adversaries.” Bizarrely, they were (allegedly) worried not just that he'd be too nice to North Korea, but to Iran as well. As if.

Trump accuses China of election 'meddling' against him
Of course, no evidence or even concrete claims backed up this accusation.
"In an interview last month, US National Security Adviser John Bolton said Russia, North Korea, Iran, and China are all potentially planning to meddle in US elections." "Potentially planning". That pretty much applies to anything, anywhere, anytime. Not doing something. Not even planning to do something. Just maybe planning to do something. By the way, can we assume North Korea is potentially planning to meddle on BEHALF of Trump, while Iran and China are planning to meddle against him? And since Trump isn't up for re-election, and is in total control of the tariff policies which are the claimed motivation for Chinese meddling, what difference will the midterms make?


GRU colonel Chepiga revealed as Skripal suspect's 'real identity'
"Alleged", not "revealed". Here's what appears to be the total evidence: "Bellingcat obtained extracts from the passport file of [Russian Colonel] Anatoliy Vladimirovich Chepiga. A picture of Mr Chepiga from 2003 appears to look like a younger version of the man who used the identity Ruslan Bushirov." And although the headline says he is a *GRU* Colonel, we are simply told "Col Chepiga was a soldier who served in Chechnya and was awarded the highest state award" which doesn't have anything to do with the GRU.

'We got really lucky': how novichok suspects' identities were revealed
In one day, the story goes from claim to established fact

In Russia’s Far East, villagers recognize a Skripal poisoning suspect
“It’s true, he’s our guy,” said Alla (who hadn’t seen him in ten years)
Irina Ivanova, another Berezovka resident, said in a message to The Post over Russia’s VKontakte social network that Boshirov looked “very similar” to Chepiga.
Alexey, a 37-year-old resident of Berezovka who works in the construction industry, told The Post that the man who called himself Boshirov resembled his former schoolmate Chepiga. But Hours after the interview, Alexey wrote to The Post to say he had changed his mind and no longer believed that Chepiga and Boshirov were the same person. “This isn’t proven by anyone or by anything,” Alexey wrote. “It’s just a resemblance of photographs.”
So three people, one says he's the guy, one says "very similar" and the third said "resembled" and then said it proves nothing.

Trump: 'I could be persuaded' to change mind on Kavanaugh after hearing
Media presented this claim as if he was open to listening to the actual testimony, but everything Trump has said suggests that nothing of the sort is going to happen. If Trump is "persuaded", it will only be because it becomes evident that Kavanaugh isn't going to be confirmed, not based on anything he learns from the hearing.

Trump metal tariffs snatched away $1 billion in profits, CEO says
Ford sources a majority of its steel and aluminum from the US — 95 percent of Ford's steel and 98 percent of Ford's aluminum comes from domestic sources. But extra costs don't come from imported steel and aluminum alone. As its competition gets slapped with tariffs (25 percent on steel, 10 percent on aluminum), US producers have raised their prices to increase profits while still being cheaper than foreign imports.


*Donald Trump Says China Respects Him Because Of His 'Very, Very Large Brain'
LOL. But also, no surprise, misleading, sort of. Trump didn’t say this, despite what the headline says. He was quoting someone else (from https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-09-27/trump-identifies-the-leading-authority-on-china-who-is-he, not from the Newsweek article): "From what I hear, if you look at Mr. Pillsbury, the leading authority on China ... he was saying that China has total respect for Donald Trump and for Donald Trump's very, very large brain.” But actually, Trump was misquoting, which means he actually was quoting himself when he talked about his "very, very large brain". The real quote: “The leadership in Beijing considers Trump superior to the last “five or six” presidents, Pillsbury told Tucker Carlson on Fox News in August. Trump, he said, is “so smart,” he’s “playing three-dimensional chess.””

Trump to Emphasize ‘Sovereignty’ in U.N. Visit, Haley Says
I just love when the US talks about respecting sovereignty. Some of Trump’s remarks:
"The United States will not tell you how to live or work or worship."...unless you live in Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, or many other places.
"Around the world, responsible nations must defend against threats to sovereignty not just from global governance, but also from other, new forms of coercion and domination."...or old forms, like U.S. military intervention or economic warfare in the form of sanctions or blockades.

*Nikki Haley: United Nations Laughter Not A Diss But A Sign Of Respect For Trump’s ‘Honesty’
Yup. Sure.

*Trump Didn’t Have A Meeting Scheduled With Trudeau — But He Canceled It Anyway

Venice Tourists Could Be Fined €500 For Sitting Down
Visitors to Venice could be fined up to €500 (£440) for sitting in undesignated spots, after the mayor suggested a new ban as part of wider efforts to crack down on undesirable tourist behaviour.
Visitors are instructed not to swim in canals, make picnic stops out of public areas, pause too long on bridges, drop litter, ride or wheel bikes, stand or lie on benches, busk or make art without a permit, attach “love locks” to monuments and bridges, climb on trees, buildings and monuments, get changed in public, feed birds or sightsee topless or in swimwear. Making too much noise, whether at night or during siesta time (1-3pm), is also forbidden. The consequence of flouting the rules is a hefty fine of up to €450.
Best part: this is part of Venice’s #EnjoyRespectVenezia campaign. Enjoy!

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