Friday, June 28, 2019
Headlines for June 28, 2019
Click here to listen to this week's segment on Loud & Clear Radio.
Headlines with an * are the ones we managed to fit in in our allotted time slot.
Headlines with an * are the ones we managed to fit in in our allotted time slot.

Worst, Most Misleading & Funniest Headlines for June 28, 2019
*After a tense week, Trump strikes an unusually friendly tone toward Iran
1st paragraph: “President Trump said Saturday that he is comfortable with his decision to call off U.S. military strikes, adding that he is “not a warmonger.” He also said he could imagine a future where the U.S. is Iran’s “best friend.””
12th paragraph: “Trump said additional U.S. sanctions will soon be applied to Iran…Bolton and others have made no secret that a goal is to cripple Tehran’s oil-dependent economy.”
Another example of how the corporate media pretend sanctions are some kind of diplomacy, rather than a vicious war directed at civilians.
Compare to…
Trump Plans New Iran Sanctions
*As sanctions bite in Cuba, the U.S. — once a driver of hope — is now a source of pain
To read this headline, and indeed the entire article, you would think the hostile U.S. policy towards Cuba started under Trump. No mention that sanctions have been in effect since 1960! There’s a brief reference to how Cuba was “largely shut off from the United States for more than a half-century”, but no mention of how that was so.
*What’s Wrong With Palestinian Surrender?
Knowing when to give up is often the first step to making peace.
NYT gives Israel (Danny Danon is Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations) a platform to extol the benefits of Palestinians surrendering their rights in return for “peace”, swapping the “peace” of the grave for the “peace” of the slave (“submission” in Danon’s words).
*Trump Takes On China and Persia at Once. What’s to Worry About?
Persia? Who else but Tom Friedman. At the very least, if you’re going to talk about “Persia”, you could mention that when Iran was called Persia was the last time it attacked another country. No, that would be too much to ask. Instead we get grotesque lies like “Iran…is led by a narrow-minded, aging cleric who’s been focused on acquiring the most important technology of the 20th century, nuclear weaponry, to help it dominate its region, push the U.S. out and win a struggle with the Sunni Arabs over who is the rightful heir to the Prophet Muhammad from the seventh century — Shiites or Sunnis.”
*Russian accounts pushed fake Rubio tweet warning of British spy threat to US elections
Very first sentence: “A network of suspected Russian accounts promoted a fake tweet purportedly sent by Sen. Marco Rubio.” Then “While the fake tweet does not appear to have picked up significant traction online, it did form the basis of a story by RT, the Russian state-backed media company, in August 2018.
RT's German language service posted an article…”
Not wrong or misleading or even funny ha-ha, but still interesting…
*The average American worker takes less vacation time than a medieval peasant
"Economist Juliet Shor found that during periods of particularly high wages, such as 14th-century England, peasants might put in no more than 150 days a year. As for the modern American worker? After a year on the job, she gets an average of eight vacation days annually."
"The tempo of life was slow, even leisurely; the pace of work relaxed," notes Shor. "Our ancestors may not have been rich, but they had an abundance of leisure."
Still this week’s “Fake News by Omission” story:
So Who Is Reporting That Trump Sanctions Have Killed Thousands of Venezuelans?
After almost two months, Reuters finally reported on the CEPR study that estimated 40,000 Venezuelan deaths as a result of U.S. sanctions. No indication of how far their story reached, but it certainly wasn’t as far as the nightly network news or anything with any reach.
From coup leaders to con artists: Juan Guaidó’s gang exposed for massive humanitarian aid fraud
Dan Cohen’s extensive report for the Grayzone, based on a report by the staunchly anti-Maduro PanAm Post editor-in-chief Orlando Avendaño.
Venezuelan prosecutor: Opposition leader linked to crimes
The story was covered by AP, albeit with few details (the whole article is 123 words, vs. 2500 words in Dan Cohen’s article, and the implication that this all originates with a prosecutor who is a Maduro ally. But in the most important media – WaPo, NYT, and the network evening news broadcasts, not a word about this scandal. You can find the AP story in the NYT online by searching specifically for it, but not by going to the “World” section or the “Americas” section. Basically it’s buried.
Friday, June 21, 2019
Headlines for June 21, 2019
Click here to listen to this week's segment on Loud & Clear Radio.
Headlines with an * are the ones we managed to fit in in our allotted time slot.
Headlines with an * are the ones we managed to fit in in our allotted time slot.

Worst, Most Misleading & Funniest Headlines for June 21, 2019
Trump Approves Strikes on Iran, but Then Abruptly Pulls Back
Trump ordered attack on Iran for downing drone, then called it off, citing casualties
How is there not an “allegedly” in this headline, or at least a “sources say”? Trump has told a documented 10,000 lies since he became President. Maybe this is true, maybe it’s an exaggeration, maybe it was all an elaborate bluff. There’s no way that the NYT or WaPo can know this is an absolute fact to justify this headline. Interestingly, the Mercury News ran the NYT story with this headline: “Officials say Trump OK’d Iran strike, pulled back”. NYT article, by the way, also refers to how some want to “punish the regime for its support of terrorism and other destabilizing behavior in the region”, presenting those things as facts to (when in fact they both apply to U.S., not Iranian, behavior).
*Iran Shoots Down a U.S. Drone, Escalating Tensions
[Note: this headline has been changed, along with the entire story]
No, flying drone over another country = escalating tensions, not shooting it down. Article says US says drone wasn’t in airspace, but provides no details of that claim, while Iran says exactly where it was shot down.
No, flying drone over another country = escalating tensions, not shooting it down. Article says US says drone wasn’t in airspace, but provides no details of that claim, while Iran says exactly where it was shot down.
*With a New Threat, Iran Tests the Resolve of the U.S. and Its Allies
[Note: this headline has subsequently been changed]
On the same day reports appear that the U.S. is planning a strike on Iranian nuclear facilities, and after the U.S. has already sent various military assets to the region, the NYT says *Iran* is making threats and testing the U.S. And what was the threat? A statement that it would soon have a larger stockpile of LEU than allowed by the JCPOA, a deal abrogated by the US and, incidentally, the reason Iran is about to exceed the limit is because US sanctions have prevented its export!
On the same day reports appear that the U.S. is planning a strike on Iranian nuclear facilities, and after the U.S. has already sent various military assets to the region, the NYT says *Iran* is making threats and testing the U.S. And what was the threat? A statement that it would soon have a larger stockpile of LEU than allowed by the JCPOA, a deal abrogated by the US and, incidentally, the reason Iran is about to exceed the limit is because US sanctions have prevented its export!
*Google Pledges $1 Billion For Affordable Housing
*Google promises $1 billion to help fix Bay Area housing crisis it helped create
To read the headline, you would think this was philanthropy. Maybe they’re emulating the Venezuelan government and building housing to give away to workers? Not at all, this is an investment on which they will be making profit. Even the headline referencing “affordable housing” is a lie. From the article: “housing will be “at all income levels in the Bay Area, including housing options for middle and low-income families.” The details reveal that: $750M of that Billion is just repurposing land it owns from commercial to residential and lease it to developers, and the other $250M is an investment fund for developers who pledge to build affordable housing. Then there is “$50 million in grants for nonprofits that deal with homelessness and displacement,” which of course is tax-deductible. Basically it just reflects that they have more money than they know what to do with, plus their realization that if they want to retain employees they’ve got to do something about housing prices in the Bay Area.
*US sanctions 'suffocating' ordinary Venezuelans
AFP acknowledges that US sanctions are hurting Venezuelans, but in a long article has no room to mention the CEPR study which estimated that 40,000 of them have died (been killed) from sanctions. And the “ordinary Venezuelans” the article highlights consist of a video game store owner whose prices for importing videos have gone up, and a doctor who’s having a harder time traveling to the U.S. for academic conferences. Not exactly typical of millions of working-class Venezuelans who really are suffering — and dying — because of sanctions.
*Report: Harris owes Oakland $122,000 for campaign rally
This might be a story, except for one fact — the money isn’t due until next week! Trump owes at least 10 cities more than $800,000; this story can only be viewed as an attempt by the media to be “even-handed” even at the expense of bending reality. By the way, this number also puts into perspective the allegedly “sweeping and systematic” $44,000 IRA campaign; that number was ⅓ what Kamala Harris paid for security for ONE campaign rally!
*Trump’s U.N. nominee breaks with the president on climate change
Big “break”. She says humans are causing climate change…but she doesn’t think we should do anything about it. In other words, in the real world, she completely agrees with Trump.
Russia Sought to Use Social Media to Influence E.U. Vote, Report Finds
Phrases in the article include “Russian-linked groups and other nonstate actors had worked to undermine credibility in the European Union”, “Russians and others continue to be in spreading divisive content online”, “an increasing number of smaller, harder-to-detect domestic groups adopting Russia-like strategies to influence voters”, “Russia-linked groups and those in favor of far-right policies to use Facebook and Twitter to spread false information and exaggerate political divisions.” And then this: “European officials did not draw a direct link in the report between the disinformation campaigns and the Kremlin or provide details about what groups in Russia or elsewhere were behind the efforts. The report also stopped short of assessing whether the tactics had an impact on how people voted, with turnout in the elections having hit record levels.”
This week’s “Fake News by Omission” story:
From coup leaders to con artists: Juan Guaidó’s gang exposed for massive humanitarian aid fraud
Dan Cohen’s extensive report for the Grayzone, based on a report by the staunchly anti-Maduro PanAm Post editor-in-chief Orlando Avendaño.
Venezuelan prosecutor: Opposition leader linked to crimes
The story was covered by AP, albeit with few details (the whole article is 123 words, vs. 2500 words in Dan Cohen’s article, and the implication that this all originates with a prosecutor who is a Maduro ally. But in the most important media – WaPo, NYT, and the network evening news broadcasts, not a word about this scandal. You can find the AP story in the NYT online by searching specifically for it, but not by going to the “World” section or the “Americas” section. Basically it’s buried.
NYT: Officials wary of telling Trump about Russia strategy
front page headline: Officials were reportedly reluctant to give President Trump details of the operation to place malware deep within the Rusdian power grid
Neither in this article, nor the NYT article it’s based on, do the words “Deep State” appear, despite the claim that it was precisely that unnamed Deep State that was worried Trump would countermand their plan.
Trump's Iran problem: he's blown America's credibility
Really? After the Gulf of Tonkin and WMD in Iraq (and lots more), it’s *Trump* who has blown America’s credibility?
Friday, June 14, 2019
Headlines for June 14, 2019
Headlines with an * are the ones we managed to fit in in our allotted time slot.

Worst, Most Misleading & Funniest Headlines for June 14, 2019
‘Executed’ North Korean pop star back from the dead — and by Kim Jong-un’s side
A new story, but after being reported (by the infamous Chosun Ilbo) as executed in 2013, Hyon Song-wol, “came back to life” in 2014 (
According to Wikipedia she has even been a member in the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea since 2017! But we need another reminder that Kim is a monster, hence this story.
And if that wasn’t enough…
*Kim Jong-un executes general by throwing him in piranha-filled fish tank
Kim Jong-un has become a real-life Bond villain
Kim Jong-un has become a real-life Bond villain
“Sources said”
*2020 Campaigns Remain Vulnerable as Signs of Russian Hackers Re-Emerge
“Microsoft Corp.’s threat intelligence team in recent months detected Russian attempts to hack U.S. think tanks, academics and nongovernmental organizations that may be involved in U.S. politics or become advisers to campaigns.”
“The attempts, waged by a group known as Fancy Bear that is believed to have ties to Russia’s military intelligence, may be routine espionage.”
*Man killed by U.S. Marshals in Memphis was wanted for violent car theft
Typical smear the victim headline. Even if were wanted for murder, that doesn’t give cops a license to kill him, but that’s the implication of the headline.
*The World’s Malnourished Kids Don’t Need a $295 Burger
Nick Kristof misses the point. All he says is “If some distant planet sends foreign correspondents to Earth, they will be baffled that we allow almost one child in four to be stunted, even as we indulge in gold leaf cupcakes, $1,000 sundaes and half-million-dollar bottles of wine. Something’s wrong with this picture.” Indeed. But the problem isn’t the $295 burger. It’s capitalism, a system that allows the 1% to have enough money to afford $295 burgers while others starve.
*Journalism sheds light in Russia and China. No wonder their despots hate it.
WaPo runs this editorial literally the day after Russia dropped charges against Golunov and the US finalized its extradition request for Assange. You can’t make this stuff up.
Queen Elizabeth II, master of soft power, celebrates her 93rd birthday with a massive parade
”Master of soft power”? The only actual accomplishment she can take credit for during her so-called “reign” is keeping the monarchy popular enough to avoid its abolition. Otherwise, nada. The Post even admits that: “she is still a master at the game of this kind of diplomacy, in which there are no real “deliverables,” no overt advancements of any particular policy, but instead a gloss of warm feelings, mixed with awe.”
*Trump still owes D.C. $7 million in inauguration costs as he plans July Fourth gala
Do Presidents have to pay the costs of their own inauguration? Of course not! "Trump" doesn't owe D.C. anything, as the article finally informs the reader, it's "the Trump administration and Congress" that owe the money.
Friday, June 07, 2019
Headlines for June 7, 2019
Headlines with an * are the ones we managed to fit in in our allotted time slot.

Worst, Most Misleading & Funniest Headlines for June 7, 2019
*North Korea Executed and Purged Top Nuclear Negotiators, South Korean Report Says
They cover their rear end by saying “South Korean Report Says”, making the headline technically true even if the story turns out to be false, as is virtually certain will be the case. But the headline should say, “anonymous source allegedly tells South Korean paper”. Or said “unconfirmed report” rather than just “report”. From the article: “without providing any hint of who its source might be or how it obtained the information.”
Like the headline, the whole article reads like the first paragraph: “North Korea has executed its special envoy to the United States on spying charges, as its leader, Kim Jong-un, has engineered a sweeping purge of the country’s top nuclear negotiators after the breakdown of his second summit meeting with President Trump, a major South Korean daily reported on Friday.” — a long declarative sentence of 42 words with no qualifiers like supposedly or allegedly, followed by weasel words attributing it to Chosun Ilbo after the reader’s brain has already accepted the claims as simple fact.
“Purged” is of course a highly pejorative word, which is NEVER used in the context of U.S. politics. Tillerson? Mattis? No one is ever “purged”. Trump has already had a 75% turnover in Cabinet and senior-level positions, but don’t say “purged”!
Reliability of this source is indicated by this sentence (among others): “Even Kim Jong-il’s sister and adviser, Kim Yo-jong, did not accompany Mr. Kim to the meeting with Mr. Putin, although she has been a fixture in high-profile summit meetings with American, Chinese and South Korean leaders. Chosun Ilbo said the sister may have been reprimanded by Mr. Kim or may be sick with pneumonia.” The Times could have pointed out that Chosun Ilbo, the source of this story, is the same paper that claimed Kim had executed his girlfriend, only to have her miraculously turn up alive.
AP and Reuters have run this story, as have most papers.
Some sources were more cautious:
*Has Kim Jong Un executed top envoys over his failed summit with Trump? Maybe, maybe not.
Lists all the previous false reports.
North Korea execution reports - why we should be cautious
Was a North Korean official executed? Mystery may cloud new talks with the U.S.
And then the followup!
*North Korean Official Blamed for Failed Trump Summit Reappears in Public
But is the Times taking responsibility? Oh no. “Kim Yong-chol, a former North Korean spymaster and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s counterpart in recent diplomatic contacts between the North and the United States, resurfaced in public this week, undermining a South Korean newspaper’s report that he was banished to forced labor in a re-education camp.” Not one word in the article indicates that the Times, along with most Western media, had dutifully passed along the story and lent their imprimatur to it.
*Why are so many doctors burning out? Tons of real and electronic paperwork.
How do you write an article like this without mentioning Medicare for All? It’s the insurance system in this country that is responsible for all that paperwork. The article talks about “hours spent on the phone waiting for patients’ tests to be approved by insurance companies,” yet it only talks about hiring more administrative assistants as a solution, never about getting at the root of the problem and eliminating the insurance companies.
*Trump told Prince Charles the US has one of ‘cleanest climates’
Aside from the fact that Piers Morgan was asking Trump about his discussion with Prince Charles about climate change and having clean air air and clean water has nothing to do with climate change, there’s not one word in the article challenging Trump's claim. In fact ( ), although Trump has previous claimed that the U.S. is "the cleanest country in the planet", it actually ranks on 27th using combined ratings of various things, e.g., 10th in air quality, 29th in water quality, etc.
World marks 30 years since Tiananmen massacre as China censors all mention
Based on the information in this article, “the world” consists of Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Washington DC.
*Iran’s Supreme Leader Rails Against U.S. Peace Plan
Peace plan? The US wouldn’t know a peace plan if it bit it on the ass. The US “plan” for Palestine is “peace” for Israel, total submission for Palestinians.
*U.S. Lets Some Countries Continue Limited Iran Oil Imports
The arrogance of this headline is staggering. Not surprising, but staggering nonetheless.
US diplomat Pompeo holding talks with Dutch government
FOX has to remind you that Pompeo is a "diplomat" because otherwise it would be easy to assume he was one of several Secretaries of War employed by the Administration.