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Tuesday, January 30, 2018


Fascist statues in Ukraine

You get branded a Russian stooge in this country, or perhaps a "Putin puppet", if you dare to speak the truth that what happened in the Ukraine in 2014 was a neo-Fascist led, U.S.-supported (and, to an extent, organized) coup and not any kind of "revolution".

Here's where we are today, and please note this is not from any "Russian troll" but rather from an Israeli newspaper — statues to Fascists who murdered as many as 100,000 Jews are being erected in Jewish neighborhoods in the Ukraine, much as statues to people who defended the "right" to enslave Black people were being erected in the United States as recently as 2015! If you think that Russia is on the wrong side in Ukraine, I've got news for you — you're the one on the wrong side.

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